June 7, 2017

"Well, I'll be dipped in shit...."

PostT: Line from a tremendously awesome and bad 80s movie (My Science Project) starring – unbelievably – Dennis Hopper. Or maybe believably. 

Anyway, I am terrifically excited that I have figured out how to resurrect this blog. I don't remember exactly when I started it, but I know politics was screwy when I did. So it's nice to just have all my crazy Cassandra prophecies recorded, when they actually came more horrifyingly true that one ever could have thought!

Times do not always change. 

I am pleased to craft a small little hole in the Internet where I can just posit my thoughts on the world burning down around me my wife and me. This will be useful just for recording notions on a place outside of Zuckerberg's empire (holy shit did I start this before FB?!) – and much less annoying for my family and friends.

Although now I do have a summer II class maybe, so I'll have genuinely good stuff to be distracted with. 

Anyway: Resurrection to Life Again! 
The times, sadly, still Dreadful, Dismal, Doleful, Dolorous and Dollar-Less.