September 8, 2018


The rot runs deep. Kavanaugh is a fucking perjurer (and perhaps worse), and he'll get on the court. I almost really can't believe how aggressively Republicans were willing to trade the country for power. If we were cell-mates in prison, they'd have sold us for a pack of Lucky's.

I also fear there'll be no tumbrels, no climbing off the Fascist Slide – see, in part, above. If the election is rigged, and why should we assume it's not, where does it stop??

And now school has started, and it's really hard to look away from it all, but the year is going to be busy AF.

FSM help us.

Hint: Hitler only last 12 years in power, and some of his lieutenants were executed. Other supporters were blacklisted. Whenever the reckoning comes, I'll enjoy watching some of these folks swing. 

Yes. Yes, I will.