June 3, 2011

Richard Nixon in a dress

Apparently the Great Alaska Grifter was in town yesterday, and because people are f***ing retarded and seem to care, she got followed around. Thankfully, she fled shortly after for the north, where apparently this interview took place.

I was obviously struck by the "America is for Americans" line, since I have heard that a thousand times in my dissertation research. And I think this perfectly proves what her appeal, her audience, and her own ideology all point toward. As Raymond Pearl pointed out in a 1927 article skewering racial nativists who were twisting scientific information to serve their purposes, this is all intentional. They nativists, he wrote, really mean that we have to keep out people that "I don't like because they're not like me." And this is entirely the case here.

This woman is famous for one reason, and one reason only: she stokes the fears and resentments of white people. She legitimizes their grievances against those people who are "not American" - meaning not white, Christianist morons. Her popularity in this country is embarrassing.